
Wissenschaft und Veröffentlichungen

Neben meiner Arbeit als Berater und Auditor kooperiere ich auch eng mit mehreren Forschungseinrichtungen und Universitäten. Stabile Kooperationen haben sich für mich diesbezüglich bisher vor allem im asiatischen Raum, in Osteuropa und Deutschland ergeben. Ich bin regelmäßig als Gutachter für mehrere internationale Fachzeitschriften (Herausgeberschaften in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika) tätig; Mitglied des Gutachtergremiums von Forests: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/submission_reviewers ; Gastherausgeber einer Sonderausgabe über das mongolische Plateau in der Zeitschrift Geography, Environment, Sustainability: https://ges.rgo.ru/jour/issue/view/46/showToc

Bei Interesse an Forschungskooperationen wenden Sie sich gerne an mich.

Bisherige Veröffentlichungen (Stand 20.06.2020, inklusive Veröffentlichungen aus Beratertätigkeit):

Consultancy reports and manuals

Private afforestation in Kazakhstan – subsidy guidelines (2021) Support the development of private afforestation programme in Kazakhstan. Submitted to the GIZ Programme for Sustainable and Climate Sensitive Land Use for Economic Development in Central Asia (UNIQUE; E. Kehayova, B. Wippel, A. Gradel) 38 p. (in English and Russian)

Information needs assessment for the second National Forest Inventory in the Kyrgyz Republic (2019) National Forest Inventory Execution and Capacity Building; submitted to the State Forest Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic and WORLD BANK, in frame of the “Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management Project (IFEMP)” of the Kyrgyz Republic (UNIQUE-CAREC; K. Matraimov, A. Gradel, A. Weinreich), 42 p. (in English and Russian)

Direct afforestation Manual / Руководство по прямому лесоразведению в Таджикистане (2018) Forestry Agency of Tajikistan. KfW Development bank funded CAFT-project implemented by the Forestry Agency of the Republic of Tajikistan in cooperation with CARITAS Switzerland. (prepared by S. Khurbonov, A. Gradel ), 84 p. (in English and Russian)

Forest management planning ( лесоустройство ) in Tajikistan (2015) Final report on the consultancy and backstopping mission for HESSEN-FORST and GIZ in the frame of the EU-funded regional Environment Programme for Central Asia EURECA, component: Forest and Biodiversity Governance Including Environmental Monitoring (FLERMONECA). (prepared by A. Gradel , W. Grüneklee), 78 p.

Instruction for the first re-assessment of nature forest reserves and managed reference stands in Saxony (2013) Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst, Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Forstwirtschaft; Referat Waldbau, Waldschutz und Verwaltungsjagd. (A. Gradel , M. Baumann), 26 S. (in German)

Approaches to protection of forests in Russia in the context of climate change cooperation (2011) GIZ-project: Capacity development für eine nachhaltige Energie- und Klimapolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Russland und Zentralasien. Berlin, (A. Gradel ), 52 S. (in German)

Internal report for the German Development Service (DED Mongolia): Participatory resource management in forest areas of northern Mongolia (2010) in the frame of the FAO-project: Capacity Building and Institutional Development for Participatory Natural Resources Management and Conservation in Forest Areas of Mongolia (GCP /MON/ 002/NET). (A. Gradel ), 18 S. (in German)

Journals with scientific peer review system

Debkov NM, Gradel A, Aleinikov AA (2020) Reconstruction of Stand History and Impact Evaluation of an Invasive Bark Beetle in Siberian Fir Forests with the Help of Spatial Structure Analysis. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal] 3: 24–41. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2020-3-24-41  URL: http://lesnoizhurnal.ru/issuesarchive/?ELEMENT_ID=345699

Gradel A, Gerelbaatar S, Karthe D, Kang H (2019) Forest management in Mongolia – a review of challenges and lessons learned with special reference to degradation and deforestation. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12(3): 133-166. DOI: https://ges.rgo.ru/jour/article/view/834

Debkov N, Aleinikov A, Gradel A, Bocharov A Yu, Klimova NV, Pudzha GI (2019) Impacts of the invasive four-exed fir bark beetle (Polygraphus proximus (Blandf.) on Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.) forests in southern Siberia. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12(3): 79-97. DOI: https://ges.rgo.ru/jour/article/view/831

Karthe D, Chalov S, Gradel A, Kusbach A (2019) Special Issue “Environmental change on the Mongolian plateau: atmosphere, soils and water”. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12(3): 60-65. DOI: https://ges.rgo.ru/jour/article/view/829

Gerelbaatar S, Batsaikhan G, Tsogtbaatar J, Battulga P, Baatarbileg N, Gradel A (2019) Assessment of early survival and growth of planted Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings under extreme continental climate conditions of northern Mongolia. Journal of Forestry Research. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-019-00935-8

Gerelbaatar S, Baatarbileg N, Battulga P, Batsaikhan G, Khishigjargal M, Batchuluun T, Gradel A (2019) Which Selective Logging Intensity is Most Suitable for the Maintenance of Soil Properties and the Promotion of Natural Regeneration in Highly Continental Scots Pine Forests? – Results 19 Years after Harvest Operations in Mongolia. Forests (Special issue: Forest Operations: Planning, Innovation and Sustainability) 10 , 141. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f10020141

Градель А , Воинков АА , Алтаев АА , Энхтуя Б (2018) Пространственно – структурный анализ ненаруженной темнохвойной Тайги в южной таежной зоне и интервальная оценка темнохвойного смешенного лесавгорнойлесостепнойзоне ( Монголия ) / Gradel A, Voinkov AA, Altaev AA, Enkhtuya B (2018) A spatio-structural analysis of intact dark taiga in the southern taiga zone and an interval assessment of a dark conifer mixed forest in the mountain forest steppe zone (Mongolia). Proceedings of the Kuban State Agrarian University . 4(73): 36-44. URL: http://proceedings.kubsau.ru/issue/2018/73/36-44 (in Russian)

Gradel A, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Kusbach A (2017) Climate growth relationships and pointer year analysis of a Siberian larch ( Larix sibirica Ledeb.) chronology from the Mongolian mountain forest-steppe. Forest Ecosystems 4:22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-017-0110-2

Gradel A, Ammer C, Batsaikhan G, Ochirragchaa N, Batdorj D, Wagner S (2017) On the effect of thinning on tree growth and stand structure of white birch ( Betula platyphylla Sukaczev) and Siberian larch ( Larix sibirica Ledeb.) in Mongolia . Forests 8 (4): 105. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f8040105

Gradel A, Haensch C, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Günther B (2017) Response of white birch (Betula platyphylla Sukaczev) to temperature and precipitation in the mountain forest steppe and taiga of northern Mongolia. Dendrochronologia 41: 24-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2016.03.005

Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N, Altaev AA, Voinkov AA, Enkhtuya B (2015) Spatial distribution of trees on light taiga plots before selective thinning. Mongolian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15: 91-99. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjas.v15i2.553

Gradel A , Mühlenberg M (2011) Spatial characteristics of near-natural Mongolian forests at the edge of the southern taiga. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 182 3/4: 40-52. http://www.sauerlaender-verlag.com/download/03-gradel/

Other journals

Altaev AA, Gradel A, Antropov VF, Herbst P (2016) Burjatiens Wälder – Schutz für den Baikalsee. Forstzeitung 10/16: 38-39.

Gradel A, Iwanow AI, Panfilowa E, Herbst P (2016) Chancen in Russlands Fernost. Forstzeitung 09/16: 30-31.

Gradel A, Petrov W N, Bayartaa N, Herbst P (2016) Mongolei: In kleinen Schritten Richtung Marktwirtschaft. Forstzeitung 06/16: 30-31.

Iwanow AI, Gradel A (2015) Wald und Forstwirtschaft im Fernen Osten Russlands. AFZ-Der Wald 17: 46-50.

Gradel A , Petrov W (2014) Forstpolitische Entwicklungen im Transformationsland Mongolei. AFZ-Der Wald 17: 36-39.

Gradel A , Baumann M, Schöndube A (2013) Erste Wiederholungsaufnahme in den sächsischen Naturwaldzellen. Forstjournal des Staatsbetriebes Sachsenforst 3.13: 16-17.

Petrov W, Gradel A (2011) Forstpolitik in Russland im Rahmen der Reformprozesse. AFZ-Der Wald 18: 37-39.

Gradel A , Nemitz D, Guryanov M (2010): Anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity change in the mountain forest steppe of Mongolia. Input of the APMN community to the tenth meeting of the CoP on biodiversity in Nagoya, Japan. Asia Pacific Mountain Courier 10 (2): 1-4.

Theses and monographs:

Gradel A (2017) Reaktion von Waldbeständen am Rande der südlichen Taiga auf Klimafaktoren, natürliche und waldbauliche Störungen. / Response of forest stands at the edge of the southern taiga to climate factors, natural and silvicultural disturbances. / Реакция древостоев, расположенных на краю южной тайги, на климатические факторы, природные и лесоводственные воздействия. Ph.D. Thesis.  Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 191 p.

Gradel A (2010) Monitoring and forecasting of forest diversity – Application examples of indicators and indices. Monograph, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 77 S.

Gradel A (2007) Forest Structure in Fire-disturbed Boreal Ecosystems in Northern Mongolia. Master’s thesis for the integrated bi-national double degree of the University of Göttingen and Lincoln University (NZ): 98 p.

Gradel A (2006) Monitoring and forecasting of forest diversity – Application examples of indicators and indices. Master’s thesis; University of Eastern Finland at Joensuu, 77 p.

Gradel A (2003): Erfassung und Beschreibung von Naturwäldern in der Khentiiregion, Mongolei. Bachelor’s thesis, Georg-August-Universität Goettingen, 30 p.

Publications (conferences)

Gerelbaatar S, Batsaikhan G, Tsogtbaatar J, Battulga P, Batarbileg N, Gradel A (2018) Early survival and growth of planted Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings in northern Mongolia. In: Book of Abstracts. Vossen P, Karthe D, Gunsmaa B, Enkhjargal S (Eds.). GMIT Symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering , Nalaikh: 8-9. http://gmit.edu.mn/site/files/downloads/gmit_sese-2018_book-of-abstracts.pdf

Gradel A , Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Kusbach A, Günther B (2018) Response of birch and light-coniferous trees to climate factors in the Mongolian research areas Altansumber and Bugant. In: Book of Abstracts. Vossen P, Karthe D, Gunsmaa B, Enkhjargal S (Eds.). GMIT Symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering , Nalaikh: 10-11. http://gmit.edu.mn/site/files/downloads/gmit_sese-2018_book-of-abstracts.pdf

Gradel A , Enktuya B, Ochirragchaa N, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Altaev AA, Voinkov AA (2018) Stand characteristics and effects of thinning on tree growth and spatial positioning in the larch and birch forests of Altansumber. In: Book of Abstracts. Vossen P, Karthe D, Gunsmaa B, Enkhjargal S (Eds.). GMIT Symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering , Nalaikh: 12-13. http://gmit.edu.mn/site/files/downloads/gmit_sese-2018_book-of-abstracts.pdf

Gradel A, Haensch C, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Günther B (2016) Climate-growth relationships of White Birch (Betula platyphylla SUKACZEV) in the Selenge aimag, Northern Mongolia. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. Białowieża, Poland: 73. http://www.trace2016.com/pdf/proceedings.pdf

Хутакова СВ , Убугунова ВИ , Gradel A, Энхтуя Б Морфогенетические особенности почв лиственничных лесов местности Алтан Сумбер орхон – селенгинского среднегорья . / Khutakova S, Ubugunova V, Gradel A , Enkhtuya B (2016) Morphogenetic features of soils of larch forests of terrain Altan Sumber Orkhon-Selenga Middle Mountain). International Conference on „Central Asian Environmental and Agricultural Problems, Potential Solutions“. School of Agroecology and Business, Institute of Plant and Agricultural Sciences, Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Darkhan), Darkhan Uul, Mongolia: 127-130. (in Russian)

Доржиев БЧ , Очиров ОН , Содномов БВ , Градель А (2015) Развитие новых подходовк наземной оценке лесных ресурсов . / Dorzhiev BCh, Ochirov ON, Sodnomov BV, Gradel A (2015) The development of new approaches to ground-based forest resources assessment / International Conference: Current environmental issues – approaches to solutions. On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Professional Environmental Studies Program. Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Darkhan): 84-86. (in Russian)

Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N, Altaev AA, Voinkov AA, Enkhtuya B (2015) Capacity development and forest research on the light taiga plots of the School of Agroecology and Business of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences in Darkhan. International Conference: Current environmental issues -approaches to solutions. On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Professional Environmental Studies Program. Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Darkhan): 44-51.

Градел А , ОчиррагчаН , АлтаевАА , Воинков АА Непространственная структура светлохвойной тайги , поврежденной низовыми пожарами в Хэнтэйском нагорье (район Бугант, Северная Монголия ). / Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N, Altaev AA, Voinkov AA (2015) Non-spatial structure of light taiga, damaged by surface fires in the Khentii Mountains (research area Bugant, Northern Mongolia). Земельные и водные ресурсы: мониторинг эколого-экономического состояния и модели управления: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 10-летию Института землеустройства, кадастров и мелиорации. 23-25 апреля 2015. – Улан-Удэ: Изд-во Бурятской ГСХА им.В.Р.Филиппова – с. 198-203. ( inRussian )

Градел А , Очиррагчаа Н, Алтаев АА, Воинков АА, Энхтуяа Б Структура лесов в горной лесостепи северной Монголии на примере района исследований «Алтансумбэр». / Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N , AltaevAA , VoinkovAA , Enkhtuya (2015) Structure of forests in the North Mongolian mountain forest steppe on the example of the research area Altansumber. Почвы степных и лесостепных экосистем Внутренней Азии и проблемы их рационального использования: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции пруроченной к 90-летию, заслуженного деятеля науки РБ, доктора селскохозяйственных наук, профессора Ишингенова Ивана Афанасьевича. Улан-Уде. 26 марта 2015. – Улан-Удэ: Изд-во Бурятской ГСХА им.В.Р.Филиппова – с. 78-85. (in Russian)

Gradel A , Haensch C, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Günther B (2015) Response of White Birch (Betula platyphylla SUKACZEV) to climate variables in Northern Mongolia. The Fourth International Asian Dendrochronological Conference on Climate Change and Tree Rings. Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal: 96. http://tribhuvan-university.edu.np/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/climatechhange.pdf

Gradel A , Baumann M, Schöndube A (2014) Dead wood accumulation in abandoned and managed reference stands in the Ore Mountains. Habitat Monitoring for Nature Conservation: Lessons from Applications for Future Concepts. TU Bergakademie Freiberg: 43.

Gradel A , Baumann M, Schöndube A (2014) Räumliche Waldstruktur in den sächsischen Naturwaldzellen und bewirtschafteten Vergleichsflächen. Im Rahmen der Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung 2014: Wälder der Zukunft: Lebensraum, Ressourcenschutz und Rohstoffgewinnung. TU Dresden/Tharandt: 168.

Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N, Gadow Kv (2012) Forest Observational Studies in Northern Mongolia. International Conference: Modern problems of Forestry and forest management dedicated to the memory of the classics of Russian forestry. ICFFI News, St. Petersburg 1 (15): 161-162.

Gradel A (2011) Forest structure and Disturbance in the Mongolian Mountain Taiga. IUFRO-Conference: Ecosystem Design for Multiple Services – with an emphasis on Eurasian Boreal Forests. International Centre of Forestry and Forest Industries (ICFFI, St. Petersburg) 1 (13): 28.

Presentations and poster (conferences)

Gradel A, Haensch C, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Günther B (2016) Climate-growth relationships of White Birch (Betula platyphylla SUKACZEV) in the Selenge aimag, Northern Mongolia. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. Białowieża, 11.05-15.05.2016 (Poster, in English)

Gradel A Оценка структуры лесов с помощью наземной инвентаризации – примеры из Германии , Монголии и России / Assessment of forest structure for terrestrial inventories – examples from Germany, Mongolia and Russia. Deutsch-Russisches Forum zu Fragen der Forstgenetik, Waldregeneration, des Waldbaus und des Klimawandels. Joschkar-Ola, 30.07.-31.07.2015. (Presentation, in Russian)

Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N, Altaev AA, Voinkov AA, Enkhtuya B Capacity development and forest research on the light taiga plots of the School of Agrocecology and Business of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences in Darkhan. International Conference: Current environmental issues-approaches to solutions. On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Professional Environmental Program. Darkhan-Uul, 29.05.2015. (Presentation, in English)

Градел А , ОчиррагчаН , АлтаевАА , Воинков АА Непространственная структура светлохвойной тайги , поврежденной низовыми пожарами в Хэнтэйском нагорье (район Бугант , Северная Монголия). / Gradel A , Ochirragchaa N, Altaev AA, Voinkov AA Non-spatial structure of light taiga, damaged by surface fires in the Khentii Mountains (research area Bugant, Northern Mongolia). Земельные и водные ресурсы: мониторинг эколого-экономического состояния и модели управления. 25 апреля 2015 . ( Presentation , inRussian )

Gradel A Лекции в Приморской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии в Уссурийске / Lectures at the Primorye State Agricultural Academy in Ussuriysk: 1. Опыт работы в лесном хозяйстве. / Experiences in forestry . 2. Лесная структура в горной лесостепи северной Монголии. / Forest structure in the mountain forest steppe in northern Mongolia . Ussuriysk , 16.04.2015. ( in Russian )

Градел А , Очиррагчаа Н, Алтаев АА, Воинков АА, Энхтуяа Б Структура лесов в горной лесостепи северной Монголии на примере района исследований «Алтансумбэр». / Gradel A , OchirragchaaN , AltaevAA , VoinkovAA , Enkhtuya B Structure of forests in the North Mongolian mountain forest steppe on the example of the  research area Altansumber. Почвы степных и лесостепных экосистем Внутренней Азии и проблемы их рационального использования. Улан – Уде . 26 марта 2015. (Presentation, in Russian)

Gradel A , Haensch C, Batsaikhan G, Batdorj D, Ochirragchaa N, Günther B Response of White Birch (Betula platyphylla SUKACZEV) to climate variables in Northern Mongolia. The Fourth International Asian Dendrochronological Conference on Climate Change and Tree Rings. Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 09.03.2015-12.03.2015 (Poster, in English)

Gradel A , Baumann M, Schöndube A Dead wood accumulation in abandoned and managed reference stands in the Ore Mountains. Habitat Monitoring for Nature Conservation-Lessons from Applications for Future Concepts. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 01.12.-03.12.2014 (Poster and presentation)

Gradel A , Baumann M, Schöndube A Räumliche Waldstruktur in den sächsischen Naturwaldzellen und bewirtschafteten Vergleichsflächen / Spatial forest structure in the saxonian nature forest reserves and managed reference stands. Im Rahmen der Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung 2014: Wälder der Zukunft: Lebensraum, Ressourcenschutz und Rohstoffgewinnung. TU Dresden/Tharandt, 17.09. -20.09.2014 (Poster und presentation, in German)

Gradel A Forest structure and Disturbance in the Mongolian Mountain Taiga. IUFRO-conference: Ecosystem Design for Multiple Services-with an emphasis on Eurasian Boreal Forests. St. Petersburg, 9.11.-11.11.2011 (Poster, in English)

Gradel A , Löhndorf K Partizipatives Ressourcenmanagement in Waldgebieten der nördlichen Mongolei. Anlässlich des Besuchs des Ministers für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Darchan, 23.08.2010 (Poster und presentation, in German)

Gradel A Capacity development in Silviculture. First national Forum on Forests, Ulaanbaatar, 02.02.2010 (Poster, in Mongolian)